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Remove Races on your Client (1 Viewer)

Staff member
Website Administrator
Nov 30, 2023
  1. Open your elementclient.exe in IDA Disassembler
  2. Click in the Assembly view so text search will search for text in the assembly and not in the functions or anywhere else
  4. It will find a line that looks like this:
    mov        edi, offset Btn_race_0
  5. Go about 10 lines below that looking for it, and you will find a place that looks like this:
    cmp       eax, 6
  6. This is your opcode for how many races are selectable in your elementclient. Click the 6 so the cursor is there, go over to hex view, take note of the "06" location in hex, and you can either edit it in IDA and patch to file, or you can go there in your favorite hex editor and change 06 from 6 races to say 03 for 3.
  7. Now you enter your ptemplate.conf and adjust your allow_login_class_mask. If anyone can remind me of the masks for each or how they are generated I will put a list of them here.
  8. You may also go in your class templates and delete the races as well for a third layer of protection and then just import the templates.I have been informed that there is a bug with Nightshades where if you remove them it will still be on their race by default

    I have been informed that there is a bug with Nightshades where if you remove them it will still be on their race by default. Here is the fix:

    1. Search for this, in assembly text view, in IDA:
    push    offset aWinCreatebutto ; "Win_CreateButton1"
    2. The first result you come to, scroll down about 20 lines down and you will see this:

    3. Change this to 5, by clicking the 6 and going to the address it says in the corner:

    4. Save and go ingame it will be fixed.
    5. For removing the Nightshades from the character wheel you will have to tamper with NewCharCenter in IDA so good luck on that. I might do a tutorial on that later.
Credits to: jv90

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